Thursday, July 2, 2009

Coconut Rice-Paper Cakes

= 1 pack/25 gr rice paper
= 3 large egg whites
= 75 gr caster sugar
= 1 tsp vanilla extract
= 200 gr desicated coconut
= 150 gr low-fat natural yogurt

( you also need 12x7.5cm diameter fluted mini brioche tins, 2.5 cm deep or 12- hole bun tin)

Way to make it:
1. Cut out 24x9 cm discs from the sheets of rice paper, discarding the offcuts. Lightly brush one disc of the rice paper with water, put another one on top, brush that, too, with water, then place both in the brioche or bun tin. Repeat with the rest of the paper discs, then position the tins on a baking sheet.
2. Put the egg whites in a bowl and beat with an electric whisk until stiff-about 2 minutes.
3. Gradually whisk the sugar in and then, using a metal spoon, fold in the vanilla, coconut and yogurt.
4. Divide this mixture between the lines tins (each should hold about 1 heaped tbsp and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25 minutes, until the cakes have firmed up slightly and are golden.
5. Remove the cake from the oven, let them cool in their tins, then transfer to a lidded container and store in a cool place. Serve with the Jamaican Pineapple.

Jamaican Pineapple

= 1 medium-sized, ripe pineapple
= 55 ml dark rum
= juice 1-orange
= 95 gr soft brown sugar
= 1/2 level tsp ground cinnamon
= 25 gr desiccated coconut

Way to make it:
1. Cut the top off the pineapple and throw it away. Lay the pineapple on its side, halve, then cut each half into 3 wedges. Cut away the woody core and discard. Make diagonal cuts at 1-cm intervals all the way along the length of the pineapple pieces, cutting down to the skin. Turn the wedges around and repeat the cutting motion the other way to make diamond-shaped pieces of pineapple still attached to the skin. Place in a ovenproof dish in a single layer.
2. In a small bowl, combine the rum, orange juice, sugar and cinnamon. Pour half of this marinade over the pineapple, cover with clingfilm and put in a cool place for 2 hours, to allow the flavours to soak into the pineapple. Cover the remaining marinade and put it to one side.
3. Shortly before you are ready to cook the pineapple, preheat the oven to 180'C.
4. To cook, uncover the pineapple, sprinkle the desicatted coconut over and then bake on the top shelf of the oven for 25 minutes, until coloured and nicely golden.
5. Remove from the oven, cool, transfer to a lidded container, pour the remaining marinade over and chill in the fridge. Serve with the coconut rice-paper cakes.


Nanas BAkar ala Jamaica

= 1 nanas ukuran sedang, matang
= 55 ml rum
= sari buah 1-orange
= 95 gr gula merah
= 1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk
= 25 gr kelapa kering

Cara membuat:
1. Potong batang nanas dan buang. Letakkan nanas pada atas sisi nya, belah dua, kemudian potong masing-masing separuh dalam 3 bagian. Potong tulang tengah nanas dan buang. Buat potongan diagonal pada 1-cm interval sepanjang potongan buah nanas, potongan sampai menyentuh kulit. Potong-potong nanas hingga menyerupai diamond-shaped tapi masih terkait dengan kulitnya. Tempatkan masing-masing di dalam pinggan tahan panas.
2. Dalam satu mangkok kecil, campur rum, sari jeruk, kayu manis dan gula. Tuangkan separuh campuran ini untuk bumbu pencelup nanas, tutup dengan clingfilm dan taruh dalam tempat dingin selama 2 jam, biarkan bumbu meresap dalam nanas.
3. Sebelum nanas siap untuk dimasak, panaskan lebih dulu oven 180'C.
4. Untuk memasak, bongkar nanas, taburi kelapa atasnya dan kemudian masukkan dalam oven pada shaf yang atas selama 25 menit, sampai berwarna coklat keemasan.
5. Keluarkan dari oven, dinginkan, pindahkan dalam tempat yang tertutup, siram dengan bumbu perendamnya dan dinginkan dalam lemari es. Hidangkan dengan Coconut Rice-Paper Cakes.

Potted Prawn Paste

= 400 gr fresh small cooked peel prawns
= 175 gr unsalted butter
= 150 ml olive oil
= 1/4 level tsp cayenne pepper
= 15 gr fresh basil, reserving
= 6 decorative leaves and roughly chopping the rest
= juice 2 limes
= salt

To serve:
= 150 gr savoury wheat crackers

(you also need (6x120ml) ramekins)

Way to make it:
1. Make the clarified butter, melting it in a small pan over a low heat. Remove from the heat, let it cool and then carefully spoon off the liquid butter into a small bowl, discarding the white solids at the bottom of the pan.
2. Put the peeled prawns and the olive oil in a blender and blend to a paste, which should take about 1 minute on a high speed.
3. Gradually stir in the cayenne pepper, 1/4 level teaspoon of salt, chopped basil and, initially, half the lime juice; the mixture should be moist but not wet, so add the rest of the lime juice only if it looks as if the prawn paste will absorb it.
4. Spoon the paste into the ramekins and then pour the tepid clarified butter over to completely cover. Arrange a reserved basil leaf on top, then transfer the ramekins to the fridge. Chill for at least 1 hour, or until the butter has set. Serve chilled with the savoury crackers.


Pasta Udang dalam Mangkok

= 400 gr udang kecil matang yang telah dikuliti bersih
= 175 gr mentega tawar
= 150 ml minyak zaitun
= 1/4 sdt cabe merah (pedas sekali)
= 15 gr fresh kemangi
= 6 daun untuk menghias dan cincang kasar sisanya
= sari buah (2 limes)
= garam

Untuk servis:
= 150 gr craker gandum berbumbu

(kamu juga memerlukan ( 6x120ml) ramekins/mangkok kecil ntuk menyajikan makanan)

Cara membuat:
1. Buat adonan butter, lelehkan dalam panci kecil dan gunakan api kecil. Pindahkan dari api, biarkan dingin dan kemudian sendok mentega leleh dalam sebuah mangkok kecil, buang endapan putih pada dasar panci.

2. Masukkan udang dan minyak zaitun ke dalam blender kemudian diblender sampai halus can tercampur rata selama 1 menit dengan menggunakan kecepatan tinggi.

3. Campur sedikit demi sedikit dengan cabe merah pedas/cayenne pepper, 1/4 sdt garam, irisan basil dan, pada awalnya, separuh juice limau; campuran harus lembab tetapi tidak basah, tambahkan sisa juice limau jika udang pasta agak kering.

4. Sendok pasta ke dalam ramekins dan kemudian tuangkan mentega sampai menutupi atasnya dengan sempurna. Susun daun basil di atas, kemudian masukkan ramekins dalam lemari es. Dinginkan selama 1-jam atau sampai mentega mengeras. Sajikan dengan craker gandum berbumbu.

Watercress, Green Olive, Fennel, and Walnut Salad

For the dressing:
= 1 level tsp Dijon mustard
= 3 tbsps walnut oil
= 1 dessertspoon red wine vinegar
= salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the salad:
= 75 gr watercress
= 1 medium head fennel, trimmed, halved and sliced no thicker than 5mm
= 75 gr green olives of your choise, drained
= 50 gr walnut halves

Way to make it:
1. Put the mustard in a small bowl, slowly whisk in the walnut oil, then stir in the vinegar and seasonings. Pour into a small, lidded container and store in a cool place.
2. Toss all the salad ingredients together in a medium-sized lidded container and put in the fridge to keep chilled until you eat it.
3. Just before serving, give the dressing a shake, then drizzle it over the salad. Toss well and serve right away.


Salad Selada air, Buah zaitun Hijau, Adas, dan kenari.

Untuk dressing:
= 1 sdt Dijon mustard
= 3 sdm minyak kenari
= 1 sdm cuka anggur merah
= garam dan lada hitam bubuk

Untuk Salad:
= 75 gr watercress/selada air
= 1 medium kepala adas, iris tipis 5mm
= 75 gr buah zaitun hijau, cuci bersih
= 50 gr kenari belah dua

Cara membuat:
1. Masukkan mustard dalam mangkuk kecil, secara pelan aduk dalam minyak kenari,kemudian aduk dengan cuka. Masukkan dalam wadah conteiner kecil yang tertutup dan masukkan dalam lemari pendingin.
2. Kocok kontainer/wadah supaya bahan-bahan tercampur rata dan masukkan dalam lemari es hingga kamu memakannya.
3. Sebelum disajikan,kocok dulu hingga tercampur sempurna.


Apple (2) Ayam (1) Bake (1) Banana (1) Bar-B-Que (1) Bika (1) Broccoli (1) Brownies (21) Cake (3) Cheese (1) Chicken (3) Chicken Recipes (4) Cumi (1) Dessert (2) Fudge (1) Kentang (1) Markisa (1) Milk (1) Nanas (1) Nasi goreng (2) Orange (2) Oseng (2) Pear (1) PIA (1) Pie (1) Punch (2) Salad (1) Shake (1) Smoothie (2) Strawberry (2)