Thursday, July 2, 2009

Watercress, Green Olive, Fennel, and Walnut Salad

For the dressing:
= 1 level tsp Dijon mustard
= 3 tbsps walnut oil
= 1 dessertspoon red wine vinegar
= salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the salad:
= 75 gr watercress
= 1 medium head fennel, trimmed, halved and sliced no thicker than 5mm
= 75 gr green olives of your choise, drained
= 50 gr walnut halves

Way to make it:
1. Put the mustard in a small bowl, slowly whisk in the walnut oil, then stir in the vinegar and seasonings. Pour into a small, lidded container and store in a cool place.
2. Toss all the salad ingredients together in a medium-sized lidded container and put in the fridge to keep chilled until you eat it.
3. Just before serving, give the dressing a shake, then drizzle it over the salad. Toss well and serve right away.


Salad Selada air, Buah zaitun Hijau, Adas, dan kenari.

Untuk dressing:
= 1 sdt Dijon mustard
= 3 sdm minyak kenari
= 1 sdm cuka anggur merah
= garam dan lada hitam bubuk

Untuk Salad:
= 75 gr watercress/selada air
= 1 medium kepala adas, iris tipis 5mm
= 75 gr buah zaitun hijau, cuci bersih
= 50 gr kenari belah dua

Cara membuat:
1. Masukkan mustard dalam mangkuk kecil, secara pelan aduk dalam minyak kenari,kemudian aduk dengan cuka. Masukkan dalam wadah conteiner kecil yang tertutup dan masukkan dalam lemari pendingin.
2. Kocok kontainer/wadah supaya bahan-bahan tercampur rata dan masukkan dalam lemari es hingga kamu memakannya.
3. Sebelum disajikan,kocok dulu hingga tercampur sempurna.


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