Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fettucini Seafood

250 gr of pasta fettucini, braise till ripeness, leak.
Peterseli chop up sufficiently.

For Sauce:
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive
2 leek fruit, chopped harshly
5 garlic fang, chop up the refinement
250 gr prawn [is], throw away its husk
200 gr squid, slice the medium
150 gr green cockle
7 tbsp of tomato pasta
7 tbsp tomato sauce
100 ml water
7 fresh tomato, throw away the its contents, chopped harshly
1 tsp salt ½ sdt peper powder
1 tbsp of sand sugar
1 tsp oregano powder
1 tsp of leaf of powder bacillus

Way of making
1. SAUCE : Heating butter, sautee of leek and garlic till make fragrance and wilt. Add prawn, squid and cockle, swirl to flatten. Cook just, enhancing pasta of tomato and saus tomato, swirl to flatten
2. Decant the water, enhancing tomato chop up the, salt, peper, sugar, oregano and bacillus. Swirl to flatten, cook till seafood cook and gravy decrease
3. Add fettucini braise, swirl to flatten. Lift
4. Arrange the pasta fettucini in saucer plate, sowings by peterseli chop up
5. Present heat.

Fettucini Seafood

250 gr pasta fettucini, rebus hingga matang, tiriskan.
Peterseli cincang secukupnya, untuk taburan

Bahan saus:
2 sdm mentega
2 sdm minyak zaitun
2 buah bawang bombay, iris kasar
5 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
250 gr udang sedang, buang kulitnya
200 gr cumi-cumi, iris sedang
150 gr kerang hijau
7 sdm pasta tomat
7 sdm saus tomat
100 ml air
7 buah tomat segar, buang isinya, iris kasar
1 sdt garam
½ sdt merica bubuk
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt oregano bubuk
1 sdt daun basil bubuk

Cara membuat:
1. SAUS : Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga harum dan layu. Masukkan udang, cumi dan kerang, aduk rata. Masak sebentar, tambahkan pasta tomat dan saus tomat, aduk rata.
2. Tuang air, tambahkan tomat cincang, garam, merica, gula, oregano dan basil. Aduk rata, masak hingga seafoodmatang dan kuah menyusut.
3. Masukkan fettucini rebus, aduk rata. Angkat.
4. Atur pasta fettucini dalam piring saji, taburi atasnya dengan peterseli cincang.
5. Sajikan panas.


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