Sunday, March 15, 2009
Apple & Dates Salad
3 crisp apples, cored and chopped to make 1 ltr (4 cups)
250 ml (1 cup) pitted, chopped fresh dates
125 ml (½ cup) slivered almonds
4 crisp lettuce leaves
Salad Dressing:
15 ml (1 tbsp) Worcestershire sauce
15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
15 ml (1 tbsp) lemon juice
Grated rind of ½ lemon
1. Mix apples, dates and almonds together with dressing. Pile in lettuce lea cups.
2. Salad Dressing: Combine ingredients together in screw-top jar and shake well.
To prevent apples turn to brown, toss them in lemon juice.
Two-Melon Juice
750 gr cantaloupe
45 ml fresh lemon juice
2 ripe honeydew melons. 2 lbs (1 kg) each
60 ml fresh lime juice
10 ml finely chopped fresh mint
Mint sprigs to garnish
1. Halve cantaloupe. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Peel and chop. Puree the cantaloupe with the lemon juice in a food processor until smooth. Chill in a covered bowl for ±12 hours.
2. Halve honeydew. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Peel and chop. Puree the honeydew melon with lime juice and mint in a food processor until smooth. Chill separately in a covered bowl for ±12 hours.
3. To serve, place the puree into separate jugs. Pour at the same time, but from separate sides, into chilled serving bowls. The soup should stay in separate colors. Garnish with mint sprigs.
750 gr cantaloupe
45 ml fresh lemon juice
2 ripe honeydew melons. 2 lbs (1 kg) each
60 ml fresh lime juice
10 ml finely chopped fresh mint
Mint sprigs to garnish
1. Halve cantaloupe. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Peel and chop. Puree the cantaloupe with the lemon juice in a food processor until smooth. Chill in a covered bowl for ±12 hours.
2. Halve honeydew. Scoop out and discard the seeds. Peel and chop. Puree the honeydew melon with lime juice and mint in a food processor until smooth. Chill separately in a covered bowl for ±12 hours.
3. To serve, place the puree into separate jugs. Pour at the same time, but from separate sides, into chilled serving bowls. The soup should stay in separate colors. Garnish with mint sprigs.
150 gr daun singkong, rebus matang
300 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
20 buah cabai rawit
350 gr sumsum sapi, potong-potong
100 gr kelapa muda, parut kasar
10 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
2 buah cabai merah
5 cm kencur
3 lbr daun salam
2 sdt garam
1. Aduk bahan isi dengan setengah sebagian bumbu halus.
2. Bungkus di daun singkong, lalu gulung.
3. Kuah santan: rebus santan dengan sisa bumbu, tambahkan daun salam . Masak sambil aduk-aduk hingga mendidih.
4. Tata di pinggan tahan panas, siram dengan kuah santan dan cabai rawit lalu kukus selama 35 menit, angkat. Sajikan dengan nasi putih.
150 gr of cassava leaf, braise the ripeness
300 ml coconut milk from 1 whole coconut
20 chillies
350 gr of ox marrow, cut to pieces
100 gr young coconut, harsh scar
Smooth flavour:
10 red garlic
3 garlic
2 red chilli
5 cm koempheria galangal
3 pieces of bay-leafs
2 tsps salt
WAay of making:
1. Swirl the filling ingredients with the half of some of smooth flavour.
2. Wrap in cassava leaf, last furled
3. Coconut milk Gravy:
braise the coconut milk by the rest of flavour, add bay-leaf. Ripe at the same time poke at till boil.
4. Arrange in heatresistant dish, sprinkle with the gravy of coconut milk and chillies then steam during 35 minutes, lift. Serve with steam rice.
150 gr daun singkong, rebus matang
300 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
20 buah cabai rawit
350 gr sumsum sapi, potong-potong
100 gr kelapa muda, parut kasar
10 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
2 buah cabai merah
5 cm kencur
3 lbr daun salam
2 sdt garam
1. Aduk bahan isi dengan setengah sebagian bumbu halus.
2. Bungkus di daun singkong, lalu gulung.
3. Kuah santan: rebus santan dengan sisa bumbu, tambahkan daun salam . Masak sambil aduk-aduk hingga mendidih.
4. Tata di pinggan tahan panas, siram dengan kuah santan dan cabai rawit lalu kukus selama 35 menit, angkat. Sajikan dengan nasi putih.
150 gr of cassava leaf, braise the ripeness
300 ml coconut milk from 1 whole coconut
20 chillies
350 gr of ox marrow, cut to pieces
100 gr young coconut, harsh scar
Smooth flavour:
10 red garlic
3 garlic
2 red chilli
5 cm koempheria galangal
3 pieces of bay-leafs
2 tsps salt
WAay of making:
1. Swirl the filling ingredients with the half of some of smooth flavour.
2. Wrap in cassava leaf, last furled
3. Coconut milk Gravy:
braise the coconut milk by the rest of flavour, add bay-leaf. Ripe at the same time poke at till boil.
4. Arrange in heatresistant dish, sprinkle with the gravy of coconut milk and chillies then steam during 35 minutes, lift. Serve with steam rice.
( sop campur kental )
1 kg kentang, kupas, potong kotak-kotak
500 gr wortel, potong 4 cm
250 gr buncis, potong 4 cm
2 ltr kaldu dari rebusan tulang iga sapi
3 batang daun bawang, potong-potong
7 buah sosis, potong-potong 2 cm
1 sdm maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air
1 buah bawang bombay besar, iris halus
Roomboter secukupnya
Garam, gula pasir, merica bubuk dan pala bubuk secukupnya.
1. Rebus wortel dalam air kaldu dan garam sebentar, lalu masukkan kentang, masak hingga agak matang, sisihkan.
2. Panaskan roomboter, tumis bawang bombayhingga layu, lalu masukkan daun bawang, aduk. Campur dalam rebusan wortel dan kentang, tambahkan buncis, gula pasir, merica dan pala, masak sampai rasannya cukup, masukkan sosis, lalu kentalkan dengan larutan maizena, angkat.
3. Pajikan panas-panas.
1 kg kentang, kupas, potong kotak-kotak
500 gr wortel, potong 4 cm
250 gr buncis, potong 4 cm
2 ltr kaldu dari rebusan tulang iga sapi
3 batang daun bawang, potong-potong
7 buah sosis, potong-potong 2 cm
1 sdm maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air
1 buah bawang bombay besar, iris halus
Roomboter secukupnya
Garam, gula pasir, merica bubuk dan pala bubuk secukupnya.
1. Rebus wortel dalam air kaldu dan garam sebentar, lalu masukkan kentang, masak hingga agak matang, sisihkan.
2. Panaskan roomboter, tumis bawang bombayhingga layu, lalu masukkan daun bawang, aduk. Campur dalam rebusan wortel dan kentang, tambahkan buncis, gula pasir, merica dan pala, masak sampai rasannya cukup, masukkan sosis, lalu kentalkan dengan larutan maizena, angkat.
3. Pajikan panas-panas.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
400 gr ikan gabus, potong jadi 5 bagian
1 ltr air
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
1 batang serai, memarkan
2 lbr daun salam
2 buah tomat hijau, potong-potong jadi 4
100 gr belimbing sayur
1 sdm kecap manis
5 butir bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
2 cm jahe
1 sdm garam
1. Rebus bumbu halus, lengkuas, serai, salam sampai mendidih.
2. Masukkan ikan, tomat, belimbing dan kecap manis. Masak sampai bumbu meresap.
3. Hidangkan hangat-hangat.
400 gr ikan gabus, potong jadi 5 bagian
1 ltr air
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
1 batang serai, memarkan
2 lbr daun salam
2 buah tomat hijau, potong-potong jadi 4
100 gr belimbing sayur
1 sdm kecap manis
5 butir bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
2 cm jahe
1 sdm garam
1. Rebus bumbu halus, lengkuas, serai, salam sampai mendidih.
2. Masukkan ikan, tomat, belimbing dan kecap manis. Masak sampai bumbu meresap.
3. Hidangkan hangat-hangat.
500 gr buntut sapi, potong-potong
1½ ltr air
2 sdm minyak goreng
10 buah belimbing sayur, potong-potong
2 buah tomat, potong-potong
10 buah cabai rawit
2 batang serai, memarkan
4 buah cabai merah
7 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1. Tumis bumbu halus dan seai hingga harum. Masukkan buntut. Aduk-aduk sampai berubah warna. Tambahkan air lalu rebus sampai lunak.
2. Maskkan belimbing sayr, tomat, cabai awit. Kecilkan api. Biarkan sampai bumbu meresap lalu angkat.
3. Sajikan panas-panas.
500 gr buntut sapi, potong-potong
1½ ltr air
2 sdm minyak goreng
10 buah belimbing sayur, potong-potong
2 buah tomat, potong-potong
10 buah cabai rawit
2 batang serai, memarkan
4 buah cabai merah
7 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1. Tumis bumbu halus dan seai hingga harum. Masukkan buntut. Aduk-aduk sampai berubah warna. Tambahkan air lalu rebus sampai lunak.
2. Maskkan belimbing sayr, tomat, cabai awit. Kecilkan api. Biarkan sampai bumbu meresap lalu angkat.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
1 ekor ayam kampong/800gr (potong 4)
3 sdm air jeruk nipis
600 ml air
3 sdm minyak
5 siung bawang putih
10 siung bawang merah
10 buah cabai merah, buang bijinya
5 buah cabai rawit
4 cm jahe
Garam dang la pasir secukupnya
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum.
2. Masukkan ayam sambil di aduk-aduk
3. Masukkan air, air jeruk. Masak sampai empuk. Angkat ayam.
4. Bakar ayam dengan dilumuri sisa bumbu
1 ekor ayam kampong/800gr (potong 4)
3 sdm air jeruk nipis
600 ml air
3 sdm minyak
5 siung bawang putih
10 siung bawang merah
10 buah cabai merah, buang bijinya
5 buah cabai rawit
4 cm jahe
Garam dang la pasir secukupnya
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum.
2. Masukkan ayam sambil di aduk-aduk
3. Masukkan air, air jeruk. Masak sampai empuk. Angkat ayam.
4. Bakar ayam dengan dilumuri sisa bumbu
Lamb and Tomato stew
Serves : 4-6
750 gr rib chops
3 tbsps flour
Salt and pepper
40 gr butter
20 ml oil
2 medium onions, cut in wedges
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp tomato paste
250 ml vegetable stock
125 white wine
2 tsps, finely chopped mint
A bouquet gain
1. Trim the chops and dredge in flour, seasoned with salt and pepper
2. Heat butter and oil in a flameproof casserole, add chops and cook over high heat to brown on each side, lift out and set aside
3. To pan juices add onions and sauté until soft, add garlic and tomatoes and cook, stirring and mashing for ±5 minutes. Stir in tomato paste and blend, stir in stock, wine and mint.
4. Add a bouquet garni of bay leaves, thyme, and parsley and bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for ±3 minutes.
5. Return chops to the casserole and baste well, cover and simmer for ±1,5 hours or until chops are tender, discard bouquet garni and serve.
750 gr rib chops
3 tbsps flour
Salt and pepper
40 gr butter
20 ml oil
2 medium onions, cut in wedges
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp tomato paste
250 ml vegetable stock
125 white wine
2 tsps, finely chopped mint
A bouquet gain
1. Trim the chops and dredge in flour, seasoned with salt and pepper
2. Heat butter and oil in a flameproof casserole, add chops and cook over high heat to brown on each side, lift out and set aside
3. To pan juices add onions and sauté until soft, add garlic and tomatoes and cook, stirring and mashing for ±5 minutes. Stir in tomato paste and blend, stir in stock, wine and mint.
4. Add a bouquet garni of bay leaves, thyme, and parsley and bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for ±3 minutes.
5. Return chops to the casserole and baste well, cover and simmer for ±1,5 hours or until chops are tender, discard bouquet garni and serve.
Chicken in Hot Pepper Sauce
Serves 4
1 chicken
2 tbsps olive oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 green pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
1 red pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
1 tsp wine vinegar
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp chili sauce
340 ml chicken stock
Salt and pepper.
1. Bone the chicken. To bone the legs, cut down along the bone all sides, drawing out the bone with an even movement. Cut all the chicken meat into thin strips.
2. Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the garlic, chicken and the green and red peppers.
3. Pour off any excess olive oil and deglaze the wok with the vinegar. Stir in the soy sauce, tasting after each addition. Season with a little salt and pepper to taste.
4. Cook until the sauce has reduced slightly. Serve piping hot.
1 chicken
2 tbsps olive oil
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 green pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
1 red pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
1 tsp wine vinegar
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp chili sauce
340 ml chicken stock
Salt and pepper.
1. Bone the chicken. To bone the legs, cut down along the bone all sides, drawing out the bone with an even movement. Cut all the chicken meat into thin strips.
2. Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the garlic, chicken and the green and red peppers.
3. Pour off any excess olive oil and deglaze the wok with the vinegar. Stir in the soy sauce, tasting after each addition. Season with a little salt and pepper to taste.
4. Cook until the sauce has reduced slightly. Serve piping hot.
Citrus and Mango Salad with Cream
1 head of lettuce, leaves washed and dried
3 stalks celery, cut into 8 cm pieces
450 gr can mango slices, drained
3 oranges, peeled and segmented
1 cucumber, scored and thinly sliced
Cream Dressing:
75 ml mayonnaise
125 ml cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 tbsp chopped parsley
5 ml (1 tbsp) dijon mustard
15 ml (1 tbsp)orange juice
10 ml (1 tsp) lemon juice
1. Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate.
2. Make celery curls by slicing the celery lengthwise leaving one and uncut. Drop celery into ice water until it curls.
3. Arrange mango slices, orange segments, celery curls and cucumber on lettuce leaves. Garnish with green onions. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
4. Dressing : Combine all ingredients. Let stand for 20 minutes before using. Serve separately.
1 head of lettuce, leaves washed and dried
3 stalks celery, cut into 8 cm pieces
450 gr can mango slices, drained
3 oranges, peeled and segmented
1 cucumber, scored and thinly sliced
Cream Dressing:
75 ml mayonnaise
125 ml cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 tbsp chopped parsley
5 ml (1 tbsp) dijon mustard
15 ml (1 tbsp)orange juice
10 ml (1 tsp) lemon juice
1. Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate.
2. Make celery curls by slicing the celery lengthwise leaving one and uncut. Drop celery into ice water until it curls.
3. Arrange mango slices, orange segments, celery curls and cucumber on lettuce leaves. Garnish with green onions. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
4. Dressing : Combine all ingredients. Let stand for 20 minutes before using. Serve separately.
Fish and Fruit Salad
450 gr white fish fillets
60 ml lemon juice
6 guavas, pitted and diced
3 slices fresh pineapple, diced
3 bananas, sliced
1 large firm ripe mango, peeled, pitted and diced
1 spanish onion, thinly sliced
1 red chili pepper, seeded and finely chopped
185 ml canned coconut milk
Red pepper or snipped chives to garnish
1. Cut fish into narrow strips. Marinade in lemon juice for ±6 hours. Drain.
2. Arrange the fish and prepared fruit in a salad bowl. Garnish with the onion and chili pepper. Pour on coconut milk. Chill thoroughly.
3. Garnish with strips of red pepper or chives. Coconut milk may be served separately if preferred.
450 gr white fish fillets
60 ml lemon juice
6 guavas, pitted and diced
3 slices fresh pineapple, diced
3 bananas, sliced
1 large firm ripe mango, peeled, pitted and diced
1 spanish onion, thinly sliced
1 red chili pepper, seeded and finely chopped
185 ml canned coconut milk
Red pepper or snipped chives to garnish
1. Cut fish into narrow strips. Marinade in lemon juice for ±6 hours. Drain.
2. Arrange the fish and prepared fruit in a salad bowl. Garnish with the onion and chili pepper. Pour on coconut milk. Chill thoroughly.
3. Garnish with strips of red pepper or chives. Coconut milk may be served separately if preferred.
Mango Shrimp Salad
15 shrimp, shelled and divined
2 mangoes, peeled
110 gr snow peas
4 green onions, chopped
250 gr pecans
Salt and freshly ground pepper
45 ml vinaigrette or French dressing
1. Halve shrimp if large. Cut large slice from each side of the mango pit, then cut off the remaining flesh. Cut the large mango slices into strips.
2. Blanch snow peas in boiling water or 1 minute. Drain. Cool under cold running water. If preferred, snow peas can be served raw in the salad.
3. Combine shrimp, mango, snow peas, green onions, pecans and seasonings. Pour dressing over. Toss well before serving.
15 shrimp, shelled and divined
2 mangoes, peeled
110 gr snow peas
4 green onions, chopped
250 gr pecans
Salt and freshly ground pepper
45 ml vinaigrette or French dressing
1. Halve shrimp if large. Cut large slice from each side of the mango pit, then cut off the remaining flesh. Cut the large mango slices into strips.
2. Blanch snow peas in boiling water or 1 minute. Drain. Cool under cold running water. If preferred, snow peas can be served raw in the salad.
3. Combine shrimp, mango, snow peas, green onions, pecans and seasonings. Pour dressing over. Toss well before serving.
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