150 gr daun singkong, rebus matang
300 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
20 buah cabai rawit
350 gr sumsum sapi, potong-potong
100 gr kelapa muda, parut kasar
10 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
2 buah cabai merah
5 cm kencur
3 lbr daun salam
2 sdt garam
1. Aduk bahan isi dengan setengah sebagian bumbu halus.
2. Bungkus di daun singkong, lalu gulung.
3. Kuah santan: rebus santan dengan sisa bumbu, tambahkan daun salam . Masak sambil aduk-aduk hingga mendidih.
4. Tata di pinggan tahan panas, siram dengan kuah santan dan cabai rawit lalu kukus selama 35 menit, angkat. Sajikan dengan nasi putih.
150 gr of cassava leaf, braise the ripeness
300 ml coconut milk from 1 whole coconut
20 chillies
350 gr of ox marrow, cut to pieces
100 gr young coconut, harsh scar
Smooth flavour:
10 red garlic
3 garlic
2 red chilli
5 cm koempheria galangal
3 pieces of bay-leafs
2 tsps salt
WAay of making:
1. Swirl the filling ingredients with the half of some of smooth flavour.
2. Wrap in cassava leaf, last furled
3. Coconut milk Gravy:
braise the coconut milk by the rest of flavour, add bay-leaf. Ripe at the same time poke at till boil.
4. Arrange in heatresistant dish, sprinkle with the gravy of coconut milk and chillies then steam during 35 minutes, lift. Serve with steam rice.
I think the is the recipe that I have been looking for. Does anyone know if this is sticky rice stuffed with a yellow chicken??? If so, can you translate this recipe to English??? My grandmother has passed away and my family would love to be able to make her favorite dish.